====== BitDefender FRAMS ====== Lately we've started using free antispam from bitdefender. Here is out quick guide for best practice use: Automaticky delete (move to quarantine) or pass (ignore) spam e-mails /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe group configure Default antispam actions quarantine /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe group configure Default antispam actions ignore How many e-mails are in a quarantine /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe quarantine status Show marked spams /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe quarantine list spam Example output UUID: 1 From: webmaster@barriogoticocafe.cz To: info@barriogoticocafe.cz Subject: REZERVACE Date: Sun, 01 May 2016 08:43:43 +0200 (CEST) [...] UUID: 19 From: tpilat@langmaster.cz To: topilat@seznam.cz Subject: Date: Sun, 01 May 2016 10:01:14 +0200 (CEST) Two e-mail doesn't look like spam, so we check them manualy. /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe quarantine copy spam sender webmaster@barriogoticocafe.cz /tmp/ Restore: '/opt/BitDefender/var/quarantine/spam/spam_1' => '/tmp//spam_1.eml' ... OK After a visual check it is not definitely a spam. So we need to resend it. First set antispam action to ignore /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe group configure Default antispam actions ignore /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe quarantine resend spam sender webmaster@barriogoticocafe.cz localhost:10025 Resend: '/opt/BitDefender/var/quarantine/spam/spam_17' via 'localhost:10025' ... OK The port 10025 skips some checks included amavis, but doesn't skip milter (bitdefender). That's why we set antispam action to ignore. Deleting whole queue /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe quarantine list spam|grep UUID|cut -f 2 -d\ | xargs -n1 /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe quarantine delete spam uuid ======= Web Admin ====== It listens at (default), we change it to secure-LAN ip /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdsafe registry setkey /BDUX/Radmin/Host /opt/BitDefender/bin/bdradmin restart Now you can type in your browser