Recommended reset/clear

cfgdisable (hit "y" at prompt)
cfgclear (hit "y" at prompt)
cfgsave (hit "y" at prompt)

Recommended action as these are the 'cleanest' methods. There is a command to 'reset back to factory defaults', but have never recommended its use as some negative results have occurred. Also since we didn't know what the actual catalyst of the problem was in conjunction with the command, its just better to steer clear and use the steps given above.

switch:admin> ipaddrset
Ethernet IP Address []:
Ethernet Subnetmask []:
Fibre Channel IP Address []:
Fibre Channel Subnetmask []:
Gateway IP Address []:
Set IP address now? [y = set now, n = next
IP address being changed...
Committing configuration...Done.

Brocade silkworm 3200 a MRTG

SNMP nastavime velmi intuitivnim prikazem agtcfgset

switch:admin> agtcfgSet

A na strane linuxoveho mrtg pouzijeme tento konfigurak pro jeden port:

LoadMIBs: /home/mrtg/v2_2SW.mib                 # this is the directory where the mib is located

Target[]: * 4
Title[Brocade]: fc throughput on switch brocade (uplne dole) port 00 

Hodnota v counteru se musi vynasobit 4, porty se cisluji od 1. MIB soubor je ke stazeni zde

hardware/brocade3200.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/11 17:48 by admin