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link k dvoufazaci https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185839?visit_id=1-636435045103056073-219194462&rd=1&hl=en
admin console gmail https://support.google.com/a/answer/175197?hl=en
tiskarna přimo driver: http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softlib/software13/printers/COL71135/LJM129-M134_UWWL_4-1_UWWL_4_1_Basicx64_44.1.2550.exe
Linux commands
O – insert "above" ESC :wq – write (save) + quit i – insert – insert at place where I am :q – quit – when no changes h j k l – move pointer left down up right arrow buttons - also moving of pointer
check public key: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub .ssh/config - configure nicknames of ssh keys vi .ssh/config - edit config host <name> hostname 10.0.?.??? user <user>
dd command
dd if=/dev/zero/ of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=100 -rewrite (erase) usb stick with zeroes dd if=/home/nfs/drbohlav/Downloads/ubuntu-gnome-17.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M -move - create image on usb stick
dmesg command
check how usb stick is mounted dmesg -T
wget command
wget <path> → download requested file from http://... address
find command
find <path> -name <name of searched file> -> looking for file by its name find <path> -ctime xx → looking for files last edited xx days ago -type x → type x d → directory f → regular file -atime xx → accesed more then xx days ago -size x yy → size x-type yy- amount: c → bytes w → two bytes words k → Kilobytes M → Megabytes G → Gigabytes
stat command %x →Time of last access, human-readable
%y →Time of last modification, human-readable
%z →Time of last change, human-readable
tar xzf command
ctr leftmouse → option for CLI
alt leftmouse → move CLI window
alt rightmouse → resize CLI window
ping nebo host - zjisti server na kterem je dana adresa
jak se pripojit pres midnight commander F9 vyprat pripojit pres FTP a spravne okno pak napr. user@novyweb.starlab.cz
stp protocol video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=japdEY1UKe4 notes from video:
- ccna exam big toppic
- stric set of rules
types of STP
STP / 802.1D Original STP PVST+ Cisco improvement of STP adding a per VLAN feature RSTP / 802.1w Improved STP with much faster convergence Rapid PVST+ Cisco improvement of RSTP adding per VLAN feature vlan + STP can make more efficient network.
What accually is STP?
Feature used to prevent loops with redundand switches.
broadcast messeges are sented all the time, if there is a loop it can make “brodcast storm” > bigger and bigger until on of the swiches fail, or someone breaks the link by discconecting or or reloading the switch another problem is that the swich gets same broadcast messeges to different ports with same MAC adress, so its contiunously changes MAC adress tables. > unstable MAC adress tables
another problem are Duplicate frames -
solution? On of the connection is block, to broadcast messeges not goes multiple ways. It works, but how to chose which link to block? STP has a protocol for that - high level overview:
1. Elect a Root Bridge 2. Place root interfaces into Fowarding state 3. Each non-root switch seletcts its Root Port 4. Remaining links choose a Designated Port 5. All other ports are put in to a Blocking state
Roles – job of the ports
Root Ports – The best port to reach the Root Bridge Designated Port – port with the best cost (route) to the Root Bridge on a link Non-Designated Port – All other ports that are in a blocking state
States Disabled – A port that is shutdown
Blocking – A port that is blocking traffic Listening – Not forwarding traffic and not learning MAC addresses Learning – Not forwarding traffic but learning MAC addresses Forwarding – Sending and receiving traffic like norma (FWD)
a) root bridge ellection
each bridge BPDU Root cost stp priority: 32768 + vlan number example of BPDU: Root cost: 0 My BID : 32769aaaa:aaaa:aaaa Root BID : 32769aaaa:aaaa:aaaa best BPDU wins ellections
b) then root bridge is changed to FWD state c) other switches choosing best path to the root bridge – these are called root ports (RP) -selection is based on port cost
Port Cost Port Speed Orginal New 10 Mbps 100 2,000,000 100 Mbps 19 200,000 1Gbps 4 20,000 10 Gbps 2 2,000 100 Gbps N/A 200 1 Tbps N/A 20
- root cost is the collection of each outgoing port added together to the root
- root port chossing is logicaly based on lowest port cost
I. root cost to the bridge II. root cost coud be the same on more ports
- lowes neigbour BID wins
- if they ties > III. Lowest neighbour port priority
IV. Lowest neighbour port number d) designated ports (DP) ports that are not root ports, choosing designated ports Cisco packet tracer I. lowest root cost to the bridge
if that ties>
II. lowest bid > III. Lowest neigbour port priority IV. Lowest neighbour port number
e) blocking last step – every port, that is not a root port, or a designated port, is put to blocking state
Timers – Default
Hello 2 Seconds Max Age 10 x Hello (20 seconds) Forward Delay 15 Seconds
STP States
forwarding State – Moves straight to blocking Blocking State Moves straight to Listening Listenning – Foward Delay timer (Default 15 Seconds) Learning – Foward Delay timer (Default 15 Seconds)
? <enter> → kontext help switch> → user mode enable (to enable mode) → switch# → priviliged mode disable (to go back to user mode)
ping ???.???.???.??? → ping IP adress
configure terminal → global configure mode
show running-config
show ip interface brief = sh ip int brief
show vlan brief
write → save settings
copy run start → save settings
Switch(config)#interface fa 0/2
switchport access vlan 4
two config files - running-config and startup if I do write command both are the same copy running-config tftp → backup configuration on server adress
change vlan ip adress
interface vlan 50 ip adress ???.???.???.???. 255.255.255.???
add port to vlan
(config)# interface fastEthernet 0/2 (config-if)# switchport mode access (config-if)# switchport access vlan 50 (config-if)# no shutdown
vypnout trunk na portu:
(config-if)#no switchport trunk native vlan 4
how to enable and disable bpdu guard
spanning-tree bpduguard → enable no spanning-tree bpduguard → disable
Python Django
create virtuale environment
virtualenv - p python3 <name> source bin/activate pip install django -> To install Django into virtual evironment django-admin startproject <name> -> to create django project ./manage.py runserver -> show information - ip adress
migration - makemigrations ./manage.py migrate create superuser for database - ./manage.py createsuperuser
urls.py → pridani stranky k souboru
Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home') from . import views urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls), url(r'^prehled/', views.prehled, name='prehled'), urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls), url(r'^prehled/', views.prehled, name='prehled'),
views.py →
from django.http import HttpResponse def prehled(request): return HttpResponse("Zde bude prehled nahravek jiz v databazi")
python manage.py shell → run django python shell
/srv/pycharm-2016.2.3/bin/pycharm.sh → run pycharm
Telefonovani, presmerovani, linky
jak presmerovat hovor
zvednu sluchatko - muzu mluvit s volajicim pro presmerovani zmacknu xfer zdam cislo xx nebo zkratku napr 28 zmacknu dial mohu mluvit s tim na koho presmerovavam pokud to zvedne pak znovu xfer 28 - KM 21 - VS 22 - DS 25 - MaDr
Jak zkopirovat databazy ze stareho serveru na novy
informace o starych databazich v heslo v ratticu. sites> databasis (nalevo) > nahore filtrovat napr pomoci vybrani klienta
STAHNOUT -jit na http://webhost.panelnet.cz/phpmyadmin/ - prihlasit se jako root - obvykle heslo > vybrat databazy vlevo > pak kliknout na export > zpravidla nechat tak jak je (Quick, SQL) > a pak kliknout na GO -stahne se soubor s databazi
NAHRAT -jit na https://webhosting.starlab.cz/ > login > prihlasit se jako uziv > kliknout na users v pravo dole > vybrat uzivatele pro ktereho chci databazi nahrat a login as user > site list (v levo nahore) > website name - vybrat > pak kliknout na databases (v levo dole) > add database > napsat jmeno stejneho formatu jako stazena databaze a zakliknout MySQL
pak prihlasit na https://webhosting.starlab.cz/phpmyadmin jako root - obvykle heslo > vybrat nove vytvorenou databazy vlevo > nahore import > chose file - vybrat stazenou databazi > click GO databaze by se mela nahrat bez chyb.