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What replication is not

  • Replication is not a backup policy. A mistyped DELETE statement will be replicated on the slave too, and you could end up with two, perfectly synchronized, empty databases. Replication can help protect against hardware failure though.
  • Replication is not an answer to all performance problems. Although updates on the slave are more optimized than if you ran the updates normally, if you use MyISAM tables, table-locking will still occur, and databases under high-load could still struggle.
  • Replication is not a guarantee that the slave will be in sync with the master at any one point in time. Even assuming the connection is always up, a busy slave may not yet have caught up with the master, so you can't simply interchange SELECT queries across master and slave servers.


Moving to another server

First import mysql tables whith all users

mysql -u root -p mysql <temp/mysql.sql 

Then you can do flush privileges or use the old password. Finaly import all databases

cd /srv/temp
for i in *; do 
   echo $db;
   mysqladmin create $db --password=xxxxx;
   mysql -u root --password=xxxxxx $db <$i;

unfortunately in the middle the cycle failed (i caused it intentionaly)

for i in *; do
   test $X -eq 0 && mv $i $i.done;
   if [ $i = 'gld.sql' ]; then

Reparing Tables

mysql> CHECK TABLE fixtures;
mysql> REPAIR TABLE fixtures;
mysql> REPAIR TABLE fixtures USE_FRM;


linux/mysql.1240535318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/21 16:04 (external edit)